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You can earn credits in 2 ways
  • By clicking and viewing posts by other system users
  • By earning credit commissions from your referrals
You can also buy credits at very low prices. Click here to view our packages.
  • Free account – 3 credits per post view
  • Basic account – 5 credits per post view
  • Premium account – 10 credits per post view
For a simple link post, cost per user is 1 credit.
Attaching a photo to post will cost extra 1 credit per user.
Country targeting will cost extra 1 credit per user
  • Free account
    Cash commission: 10% of purchase value by your referral
    Credit commission: 10% of credits earned by your referral
  • Basic account
    Cash commission: 15% of purchase value by your referral
    Credit commission: 20% of credits earned by your referral
  • Premium account
    Cash commission: 20% of purchase value by your referral
    Credit commission: 30% of credits earned by your referral
Broadcast is a feature which allows you to send messages to your referrals once every 7 days. No credits are charged for broadcast message.
Broadcast feature is available for Basic and Premium users only.
Basic users can broadcast to their level 1 referrals.
Premium users can broadcast to level 1 and level 2 referrals.
Feed wall is a place where you will see posts submitted by other users. You can earn credits by clicking on posts.
Minimum payout is $10
We pay our affiliates via paypal
We accept payment via paypal
You will be paid within 7 days of your payment request
We fetch our profile pictures from Gravatar.com. Gravatar stands for ‘Globally recognized avatar’. You can change your profile picture at Gravatar.com. To know more about Gravatar, click here.
Click here to know about our upgrade options
You can send us your queries here or mail us at support@ShoutCrew.com