Posting Guidelines post content within the rules

All users are required to follow these content posting guidelines. We follow these guidelines very strictly. Violating these guidelines will lead to immediate account suspension and all your referrals and payments will be forfeited.

  • You must not post any pornographic, racist, discriminating, vulgar, illegal, or other adult materials of any kind
  • You must not post any link that contains or promote any viruses
  • You must not post any link that contains any frame breakers
  • You must not post any link that contains any prompts such as download dialogs or confirmation alerts
  • You must not post any link that freeze the browser window or stops the timer
  • You must not post any link that contains more than one popup
  • NO HYIP Sites (High Yield Investment Program)
  • NO gambling-related web sites

In case if you find any post violating these guidelines, please report it and our admins will take the appropiate decision.